Returned to Druridge Hide mid afternoon after an abortive morning visit when it was busy.
Was met with that dreaded call.. " You've just missed a........"
which had been a Hobby chasing a Dunlin around in front of the hide.
One of the three guys in the hide still had his bins locked onto the bird as it chased the Dunlin out to sea. Then...
"Looks like its given up" was the next update. Followed by "Its on its way back...its just over the reeds.....coming this way...." by which time I had put down the bins, picked up the camera, power on, zoom on and there it was , right in front of us.

Gotcha , and it was off again.
My kind commentator just did not have time to reach for his camera.
The bird came to rest on the point just west of the hide where it sat for about 10-15 minutes.
The Ibis was tucked up in the reeds right at the west side of the pond, but it didn't matter. A couple of Greenshank were at the far side, and there were hundreds of flying geese everywhere.
A lucky, lucky day.