Thought this morning that I had better make the effort to visit Seaton Snook. I was familiar with the location of the car park at the north end of the bay so thought I'd use it and walk along the beach to the south end where the Isabelline Wheatear was reported.
At the last minute I decided to walk down the track alongside the golf course to Zinc works. Faster I thought, wrong.
Onto the beach and where is the throng?, yep, at the North end of the bay.
So a brisk walk on the beach would do no harm, almost there and then I saw that sight that everyone hates of the throng pointing bins all in different directions.
Its gone!
90 minutes searching dunes, golf course etc ended with chips at Seaton and the plan to check the beach once again.
Parked back at the north end, onto the beach and yes you guessed it, the throng were at the South end.
I did hot foot it this time, and, nearly there when the multidirectional bins and scopes were at it again as a bloke and six dogs walked through them.
But things settled and in no time the bird came close up to greet me.
Tuesday, 25 November 2014
Monday, 24 November 2014
Dive, dive,dive
While wandering along the top of the Druridge dunes today, I noticed one diver quite close in so I got down to the waters edge and was pleased to get some close ups of 3 Red Throated Divers and Great Crested Grebe. Followed them for nearly an hour as they dived in quite shallow water.

At the time I thought I was looking at a dozen distant twite but having downloaded and cropped am not sure about these below, any ident help please.
and a few other sightings along the way
Friday, 7 November 2014
Have spent a few hours over the last couple of days at Newbiggin. The first target was Little Auk with Snow Bunting also on the list.
Thursday morning was a bit 'caad' but I found a spot at the north end of the north bay for a low tide sea watch and shelter, but dipped on Auks. Those who know this point will be able to picture me facing the sea, looking for Auks with the golf course at my back.
I blanked so, I returned to the town for a coffee, scone and a twitter check.
Couldn't help laugh out loud to read a tweet from hour earlier that both Snow Bunting and Little Auks seen at Newbiggin with the Auks flying down the golf course behind me.
You couldn't make it up.
Refreshed I walked back up the cliff top path and was more than pleased to see a Snow Bunting
Thursday morning was a bit 'caad' but I found a spot at the north end of the north bay for a low tide sea watch and shelter, but dipped on Auks. Those who know this point will be able to picture me facing the sea, looking for Auks with the golf course at my back.
I blanked so, I returned to the town for a coffee, scone and a twitter check.
Couldn't help laugh out loud to read a tweet from hour earlier that both Snow Bunting and Little Auks seen at Newbiggin with the Auks flying down the golf course behind me.
You couldn't make it up.
Refreshed I walked back up the cliff top path and was more than pleased to see a Snow Bunting
During all this it was fascinating to watch the groups of thrushes battling in off the sea to make landfall.
Today, despite this mornings rain I wanted to see what else may be about so it was back along the cliff top patch North.
Three individual sightings of Woodcock made the effort and soaking more than worthwhile.
Plenty of other interest also including large flock of Golden Plover
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